Friday, December 13, 2013

New obsession

Well, Nikki thinks she killed the blog with Ben, but I guess I will now since we have all forgotten about this page. ;) But I cannot with this guy. James Callis. British. Cheekbones. Long hair. Big eyes. RAWR!

A little explanation before I begin. I have seen James in a few things. He was in both Bridget Jones' Diary movies... though I vaguely remember him.

He also was in the show Eureka that David and I watched... and again, I didn't think much of him, only he was cute.

But, David is a huge sci-fi fan... he's been watching stuff like Star Trek, Stargate... now Battlestar Galactica. Any show with star in the title I guess? LOL Anyway, I'd just roll my eyes when he was watching BSG and call him a big nerd. But since he watched the entire series in a few weeks, I kept seeing it, but only glimpses, not really paying attention. When I noticed James, I was like hey, he looks familiar... oh yeah, from Eureka! And was thinking, hey, he looks a lot better on this show with the long hair.

So, one night a few weeks ago, I had a dream about him. A sex dream. Probably because David watched the damn show 24/7 and I saw a few of his sex scenes. LOL HOT! After that, I started to develop a crush. Last night, I told David I wanted to watch the first episode and see if I like it. He said he doesn't know if I will or not since I'm not a big sci-fi fan, only with Doctor Who. ;) I said, well I don't really care about the show, I just want to see my boyfriend! I kept telling him he kinda reminds me of James... they have the same big brown eyes. He said I won't like him on the show because he's a liar, egotistical, and only thinks of himself. I said, you just described Tony Stark, and he's your idol! :P LOL So we watched it and... yes, I have a new obsession.

GLASSES ;kaksdjfakds;ksdf

You know how we get when we have a new crush, we have to find out everyfuckingthing about them? If they're married, we have to find pictures of their wives, and talk about how ugly they are or how they don't deserve our men? LOL Well, James is married with kids... and there are no pictures of them on the entire internet and it PISSES ME OFF!

You know how everyone always talks about Benedict's cheekbones... well he has nothing on James's. LOOK AT THESE, THEY WOULD LITERALLY SEVER MY FINGER IF I TOUCH THEM!

Anyway, that's all I have to say about him. I guess I'm gonna force myself to watch the entire series... even though I was kinda bored since it was an hour and a half long and I kept asking David, WHEN IS MY BOYFRIEND COMING BACK ON??

I don't know where this is from, but the looooong hair and that stare is killing me. DED!



  1. omg i've never heard of this guy but that first pic with the glasses and the one with the super long hair!? MEOOOWWW fndjskFDJSKFHN PLUS BRITISH = HOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTT lol

    um i looooooooooove how you tell david you want to watch a show because your boyfriend is in it LMFAO

    omgomgomg "You know how we get when we have a new crush, we have to find out everyfuckingthing about them? If they're married, we have to find pictures of their wives, and talk about how ugly they are or how they don't deserve our men?" asalskjdjdksdhafhjdkfh!!! LMFAO omg i love it HAHAHA

    i love, love new crushes, it's so much fun being all psycho hose beast googling them LOL ugh i love the glasses. i need to youtube this guy because i need to hear him talk lol

    i promise to come here more often even if it's to throw up a simple photo of a hot dude lol

    i promise to not make them all benedict

    my fingers were crossed :P NAHAH


    1. OMG dude yes, I love having new crushes! I can't stop looking at this post and drooling over the pics. I even showed David and let him read it. I love how he doesn't care that I fangirl... He thinks it's funny, not jealous at all. You used DJ? I must do that now, I miss it. Though not enough to pay for no ads and 62736582 icons like before. But I miss fangirling on there!

    2. I love it! I love you guys, I can't wait to meet David :-)
      Yea I'm totes not paying DJ lol I'll have to suffer with 5 icons :P nahaha YES COME BACK AND FANGIRL TOOOOO!!! EEEEE YAY <3

  2. i also have been using DJ again but mostly pictures of ben because im a nutcase but i think it's time for a supernat spam here very soon!!
